Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's best product for hair coloring?

i use a product that colors hair in 5 to 15 minutes, color lasts for about 6 weeks. Is there a product that makes color last for much longer, a year, for example?

in any case, can you suggest a brand?


****** if you are wondering why I am dieing my hair, it is because i look so young and a pastor should have grey hair :-) that is the color i want :-)))

What's best product for hair coloring?

i like clairol

What's best product for hair coloring?

i think u should use pantene hair expressions!

What's best product for hair coloring?

I love Feria, but a good one is the new clairol one because it gives natural highlights.

Also I don't think there are any dyes that last longer than 6 weeks, even when you get your dye from a place that carries Salon products.

What's best product for hair coloring?

well a year is pretty hard.. because all haircolor fades.. and turns yucky colors by fading and grows out of course so you have your roots show.. and if you use non perniment it will last shorter.. but level 3 or perniment is harsher and worse for your hair.. and I have heard box color you buy is bad.. but have it professional

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