I recently purchased Dark and Lovely No-Lye Conditioning Relaxed System for Color-Treated Hair by SoftSeen-CarSon. One of the warnings within the enclosed instruction sheet reads as following:
Do not use Dark and Lovely Relaxed for Color-Treated Hair if you use a highlift blonde hair color that requires a color-lifting booster.
My question is; what is a highlift hair color and what is a color-lifting booster? Also, how do these agents affect the information on the following web link?
Ethnic hair professionals or users of home relaxer and/or coloring kits, help?
Blond highlights, which require 30 volume lift on ethnic hair, is considered highlift hair color. A booster is something that protects the highlights while you are treating it with another process. Basically, any permanent processes (highlights, relaxers) strip the hair cuticle leaving it susceptible to breakage.
Ethnic hair professionals or users of home relaxer and/or coloring kits, help?
well, if u dont have blond color in ure hair dont worry about it...if u do buy a different perm
Ethnic hair professionals or users of home relaxer and/or coloring kits, help?
The color lifting booster is the powdered bleach that comes in some of the Dark and Lovely Honey Blonde colors. The package usually indicates a color booster. It gives the horrible color of straw or very orange. It will definitely dry your hair out. If you haven't used a color with the booster, you should be good with putting the perm in. Just make sure that there has been adequate time since you've colored it. You're hair will break off, badly, if you don't. Give it 2 to 3 weeks before perming. If you are still not sure, head to the salon. They can color it without all the harshness of the Dark and Lovely products.
Ethnic hair professionals or users of home relaxer and/or coloring kits, help?
A booster is to enhance the hair color to make it brighter. If you have not colored or bleached your hair any shades of blonde or use a booster there is nothing for you to worry about.
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